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GoodGuide helps you find safe, healthy, green, and ethical products with product reviews based on scientific research and ratings. GoodGuide's scientists rate products on a zero to 10 scale for their health, environmental impact, and social impact. The ingredients, health impacts, and certifications contribute to the health rating. Resource use, environmental impact, and a company's transparency contribute to the environment rating; the impact on consumers, worker safety, and effect on the community contribute to the society rating. The overall score of each of the more than 250,000 products in GoodGuide's database is an average of these three scores. You can find ratings for food, personal care, and household products, and scan the barcodes of products in-store to retrieve information about them while you shop. You can also select the environmental issues that you care about most to see how products align with your preferences, get customized product recommendations, and create your own shopping lists. 

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